Our Partners
Keith L Pronske
President & CEO
Clean Energy Systems (CES) has developed technology that Is revolutionizing the power industry by eliminating the traditional exhaust stack and making Zero-Emission Power a reality.
- Technology Developer
- Patent on OxyFuel Burner (The Rocket)
- 25 Professional Engineers
- Based in California
- Major Joint-Venture in California with Schlumberger, Chevron & Microsoft
- CES Has Conveyed a Master License for the Oxy-Burner Technology to Valverde
- CES is a Major VPS Shareholder
- Led By Keith Pronske, 35 years of experience with Tractabel, BKi, AES Corporation and CES since January 2003
Conventional emissions combine nitrogen from the air with carbon dioxide making a combination that is difficult to separate. At VPS, we have teamed up with the “CES Oxy-Fuel Burner” which we affectionately refer to as “The Rocket” – leading edge technology that creates a pure stream of CO2 to be transported & sequestered.
—Gareth Roberts
Valverde Founder & Carbon Sequestration & Capture Expert