Alberta Gas Plant

Valverde Power Solutions is working with a Calgary-based oil and gas producer to help decarbonize operations on one of its larger natural gas processing plants.

The project encompasses the following:

  • Install Oxy-Fuel technology thereby upgrading certain existing oil and gas facilities so that they emit zero emissions
  • Utilize pipeline gas to produce ~35 Mw of exportable clean electrical power for use in gas plant operations with excess generated zero-emission electricity sold into the Alberta grid
  • Converting natural gas generators and compression to electric for use with clean power
  • Implementing properly sized air separation unit
  • Integrate the tested and proven Clean Energy Systems’ Direct Steam Gas Generation (DSGG) Oxy-Fuel unit
  • Connect Gas Turbine Generators which will generate electricity from the DSGG
  • Install CO2 compression used in carbon sequestration after capture